Every one wants to create and nurture a happy family. "Being happy as a family is something deeper than simply having fun together or feeling the immediate euphoria of a joyful event like opening presents on Christmas morning”, explains Scott Haltzman, M.D, author of the new book The Secrets of Happy Families. A happy family is a family that has a deep sense of meaning and purpose in their lives. When you have that, he adds, the lows feel more manageable, because you can put them into perspective — and the highs are more memorable.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Leo Tolstoy Applies To Successful Direct Mail

What Tolstoy was saying is that to be happy, a marriage must succeed on a number of levels including: financial, sexual, how to raise children, in-laws and religion. Every successful couple finds agreement in each of these areas. But an unsuccessful marriage can break apart when there’s disagreement in any one of these areas.
The reasons for happiness are same. The cause of unhappiness is unique.
Can’t we say the same about direct mail?
Every successful direct mail package is alike while an unsuccessful package can fail in its own way.
All successful mailings are the result of thoughtful list selection, a powerful offer, persuasive copy, an effective format and good timing.
Yet a mailing can fail when it lacks any one of these characteristics. We can have the most powerful offer and persuasive copy, for example, but when delivered to the wrong audience, it fails.
Successful direct mail isn’t rocket science.
We don’t need a new book with a clever title, a new buzzword or a 3-hour seminar to tell us what makes direct mail work. It’s the same today as it was 25 years ago. And it’s what will make direct mail successful 25 years from now.

Good list selection. An unbeatable offer. Persuasive copy. And an efficient format. All delivered to the right person at the right time.
Miss any one of these ingredients for success and your mailing fails. But each of them right and your mailing, like Tolstoy’s thoughts on a happy family, will enjoy far more success.

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Hugh Chewning is a direct mail specialist proving copywriting, strategy and consulting for consumer, nonprofit and business-to-business groups. You can visit his blog, Direct Mail Insight and sign up for free, practical and easy-to-use tips to boost your response. And, for information on his free, no-risk package critique visit his web site, www.cdmdirect.com

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Here are the keys to building a family life that will make your guy, your kids, and you truly happy.

1. Know who they are

When your family agrees on its core values — and consistently lives by those standards — you'll build a stronger family identity and reduce conflict. Certain values fall into place naturally; if you're married, you and your husband probably committed to each other in the first place because of values that both of you share.

However, Haltzman insists on not simply letting your values evolve on their own, but rather deliberately shaping and naming your core principles. "Defining your values together cannot only reinforce a lot of the qualities that brought you together, but it can also help steer you in times when you feel conflicted," he says.

2. Lean on others

No family thrives in a bubble — your extended relatives, friends, neighbors, and other networks are crucial to your happiness. "Other families expose kids to new ideas and lifestyles and give them a broader view of their roles in their own family as well as in their community," Haltzman says.

If you don't have a built-in network, Haltzman suggests creating your own support system through volunteering, joining the PTA or a book club, participating in religious services, or simply reaching out to your neighbors.

3. Bounce back

Truly happy families have the resiliency to face life's challenges and stay strong. "Going through difficult times can actually make you feel more connected as a family," Haltzman says.

4. Breathe

Families do better when they have plenty of laid-back time together. Whether you're going for a walk, playing Rock Band, making cookies, or just hanging out, the best way to build happy family connections is simply to enjoy one another spontaneously. "You can spend your life defining your goals, setting your values, and putting all the right things into place," Haltzman says, "but you also have to take a step back and live a little."

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John SBroto & Friend
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